KFUEIT has embarked on a transformative journey, aspiring to be known as the "Knowledge of the Land" University. At the heart of this mission lies a deep-rooted commitment to agricultural sciences, which form the bedrock of the university's identity. This commitment is further enriched by the incorporation of principles from the "Science of the King," community engagement, and universal sciences. The objective is clear: to synergize academic creativity and innovation, ultimately positioning the university as a frontrunner in its field. One of the pivotal aspects of this transformation is the university's aspiration to become a green institution, with a particular focus on internal transportation policies. Recognizing that personal cars and motorcycles contribute significantly to carbon emissions, the university has proactively initiated measures to reduce their use within the campus. The Transportation System Policy implemented by KFUEIT is a notable step in this direction. Under this policy, the university has introduced a convenient and sustainable transportation system that prioritizes the well-being of students, staff, and visitors while minimizing the environmental impact. Key elements of this policy include:
1. Service Buses and Trams: The university provides service buses and trams for students, staff, and visitors. These modes of transportation are not only convenient but also offered free of charge, encouraging their use and reducing the reliance on personal vehicles.
2. Reducing Traffic Congestion: By limiting the number of cars and motorcycles allowed to pass through the university premises, the institution is actively alleviating traffic congestion. This reduction in vehicular traffic not only improves the overall flow of movement within the campus but also reduces the demand for parking spaces.
3. Mitigating Pollution: KFUEIT's transportation policy plays a pivotal role in mitigating both air and noise pollution. Fewer vehicles on the road mean reduced emissions of harmful pollutants, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable environment.
In essence, the university's commitment to becoming a green institution extends beyond the classroom and research laboratories. It encompasses the very fabric of daily life on campus, emphasizing sustainability, environmental responsibility, and the well-being of its community members. Through these thoughtful initiatives, KFUEIT is not only setting an example for other academic institutions but also actively contributing to the broader global efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainable living.