Water management holds a significant role within the University's sustainability framework. As such, the institution has proactively adopted a comprehensive policy aimed at fostering a culture of energy conservation among both students and staff. This multifaceted approach involves a combination of campaigns, projects, and activities that serve as educational and practical tools to raise awareness about energy conservation and promote responsible behaviors. To address water-related concerns and promote sustainability, the University has concentrated its efforts in several key areas:

1. Awareness Campaigns: KFUEIT conducts awareness campaigns designed to educate and engage students and staff on the critical importance of conserving energy. These campaigns are instrumental in instilling a sense of responsibility for energy conservation throughout the campus community.
2. Energy Conservation Projects: The University actively initiates projects dedicated to energy conservation, emphasizing the efficient utilization of resources to reduce overall energy consumption within campus facilities.
3. Underground Water Storage: Efforts are focused on optimizing the operation of underground water storage ponds. These ponds play a pivotal role in effective water management, serving as vital reservoirs to ensure sustainable water supply.
4. Wastewater Treatment: Comprehensive wastewater treatment processes are in place to ensure that water is treated and purified before being reintroduced into the environment, minimizing any adverse environmental impacts.
5. Water Recycling Initiatives: KFUEIT places a strong emphasis on water recycling practices, enabling the reuse of treated water for various purposes. This approach contributes to a significant reduction in overall water demand.
6. Energy-Efficient Appliances: The University actively encourages the use of energy-saving electrical appliances. This advocacy is aimed at empowering students and staff to make informed choices when it comes to selecting equipment and devices, thereby minimizing energy wastage.
Through these strategic measures, KFUEIT aims to inspire behavioral changes in energy consumption patterns and discourage the use of energy-inefficient equipment. This holistic approach not only conserves valuable energy and water resources but also contributes to the creation of a sustainable and environmentally responsible campus environment. Furthermore, it sets a valuable example for responsible resource management, both within the University community and in the broader context of environmental stewardship.